Hits & Misses: The return of garden tours at Empire Mine are a HIT – The Union

Each week well run through the sublime, the trivial and profound issues, decisions and goings on that strike us as Hits or Misses. you can join in, too, by emailing your Hits & Misses to editboard@theunion.com.

HIT (from reader Marsha Lewis): To the return of garden tours to Empire Mine State Historic Park after a pandemic hiatus at 10:30 a.m. Saturdays and Wednesdays May through September.

HIT (from reader Shanti Emerson): To the Nisenan tribe continuing to get important recognitions. The latest is the Native American Heritage Commission contact/tribal consultation list, which enables them to consult on any project in their area, such as the Idaho-Maryland Mine. The commission identifies, catalogs and protects Native American cultural resources ancient places of special religious or social significance to Native Americans and known ancient graves and cemeteries of Native Americans on private and public lands in California.

HIT (from Emerson): To Sierra Stages for yet another wonderful musical performance.

MISS (from reader George Carter): To Waste Management. With major property work completed in September, I canceled our rental of two large Waste Management yard waste bins and was assured that they would be removed. Another phone call and assurance in October, and then November all with the bins sitting roadside in front of our property. In my 11th call on March 14 came more assurance of action. Then something new happened! A Waste Management email arrived giving April 5 as the date certain for pickup. Yay! But no. The bins still sit lonely by the roadside. My wife says my idea to post a Free sign likely would prompt action, but the bins dont belong to us. So we wait in hope.

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HIT (from reader Ray Bryars): To the Green Waste Disposal Program that has allowed hundreds of property owners to reduce the storm debris on their properties. Also to the staff and volunteers who made it such a well-managed, efficient process. Can we do it again next year? Maybe four times would help some of us get ahead of the vegetation growth.

MISS (from reader Phil Reinheimer): To the Republican senators who got up and walked out as Ketanji Brown Jackson was confirmed to the Supreme Court. What an insult and disgrace!

HIT (from Editorial Board member Ed Beckenbach): To those with the fortitude to continue reading long articles and commentareis for or, mostly, against reopening the Idaho-Maryland Mine with the faint hope that there will be some new fact, some so-far unused argument, that will make them consider possibly changing their position on the subject. Or maybe that should be a MISS.

MISS (from Editorial Board member Jo Ann Rebane): To The Union editorial cartoon of April 8 that depicted a wild-eyed GOP elephant resuscitating Hunter Bidens laptop. Its obvious that the news media, including this paper, still fear the harbinger of scandals coming out of the laptops emails and other contents.

HIT (from Rebane): To celebrations this week of Easter and Passover. These observances in our community help maintain our culture and remind us of our countrys Judeo-Christian roots.

HIT (from Editorial Board member Tom Durkin): To Republican senators Mitt Romney, Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski broke ranks with the Party of No to confirm Supreme Court Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson to replace retiring Justice Stephen G. Breyer.

MISS (from Durkin): To Republican Sens. Lindsey Graham and Rand Paul, who in a show of petty disrespect refused to come to the floor of the Senate for the historic vote to confirm Justice Jackson. They cast their no votes from the Senate cloakroom.

HIT (from Publisher Don Rogers): To the start this week of the local candidate forum season for the June 7 primary elections at the Nevada County Association of Realtors. On Tuesday, candidates for the contested Board of Supervisors and county clerk/registrar of voters races got in their first reps on questions theyll be answering over and over again. The key question for supervisor is the one they cant answer and be able to vote on later, if elected: What do you think of the bid to reopen the Idaho-Maryland Mine? The contest for registrar of voters (no one cares so much about the county clerk part, it seems) mainly is a political referendum of sorts on the the offices ability to run clean elections not that theres been much of a question about that locally.

HIT (from Rogers): To the candidates. There is a spread in their points of view and they offer choices about the future of the offices they are running for. This is a good thing. Theres also a little mystery around the the big question, that elephant in the room, for the supervisor candidates, those who havent naively tipped their hands and rendered themselves essentially ineligible to vote on the mine, should that issue reach them.

See the article here:
Hits & Misses: The return of garden tours at Empire Mine are a HIT - The Union

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