Letters: Rand Paul seeks virus answers and is vilified by liberal Democrats – The Advocate

American citizens have been bullied, cajoled and even bribed to get the COVID-19 vaccine and almost made to believe we were going to face the wrath of God if we did not do so.

And now we have the Joe Biden administration dumping hordes of immigrants here illegally into our cities on unsuspecting American citizens.

Have these people been tested for COVID-19? Will they be forced to wear masks and social distance? Have they been vaccinated? I will take a wild guess and say no.

Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky is trying to find out where this virus originated because it is important to understand this virus if we truly have a chance of fighting it successfully. And all the other side wants to do is call him a liar and insult him. Why don't they answer the questions? What are they afraid of? These same people dared to call President Donald Trump a liar. He doesn't hold a candle to this bunch.

The Democrats are always preaching about transparency. How about they practice what they preach?


retired retail merchandiser


Read the original here:
Letters: Rand Paul seeks virus answers and is vilified by liberal Democrats - The Advocate

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