Marco Rubio vs. Rand Paul: Who's winning GOP Cuba policy smackdown? (+video)

Washington Its the intramural D.C. squabble that blew up as quickly as an ocean rain squall: the Marco Rubio vs. Rand Paul Cuba Smackdown of 2014.

Why are two Republican senators, both probable presidential contenders, fighting over President Obamas decision to reopen relations with communist Cuba? Like lots of things in official Washington, its complicated. There are both personal and political reasons for the fight.

One thing is sure: Its bitter.

Kentucky Senator Paul doesnt know what hes talking about, says Senator Rubio.

Rubio is an isolationist who wants to retreat to our borders and perhaps build a moat, charges Paul.

Lets start with Rubios side of things. The Florida lawmaker and son of Cuban immigrants has been the face of GOP opposition to Mr. Obamas surprise Cuba move. Hes arguing that the United States will receive nothing for loosening travel restrictions and establishing other means of contact with Havana. The Castro regime will remain in place, its grip on power unaffected.

Its an issue that Rubio obviously cares deeply about. Its also historically very important to his state, where conservative Cuban-Americans have long been a powerful political bloc.

I dont care if the polls show that 99 percent of people believe we should normalize relations in Cuba. Id still believe that before we can normalize relations in Cuba, democracy has to come first, or at least significant steps towards democracy, Rubio said Wednesday.

Paul, for his part, is trying to carve out a niche as a Republican presidential contender with a different kind of foreign policy position. If theres a word that sums it up, its non-interventionist. Hes been skeptical of the virtue of deploying US power overseas in the past.

So he came out mildly in favor of the presidents actions. He said in a radio interview earlier this week that Obamas Cuba opening was probably a good idea and that the 60-year-old US embargo on trading with Cuba hasnt been effective.

See the original post here:
Marco Rubio vs. Rand Paul: Who's winning GOP Cuba policy smackdown? (+video)

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