Paul calls out Clinton on women's rights

EXETER - Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul is demanding Hillary Clinton return Clinton Foundation donations from Saudi Arabia and other foreign countries with poor human rights records.

The likely Republican presidential hopeful lit into the likely Democratic candidate in an interview Saturday.

"I think she needs to return the money to the country she took it from," Paul said. "I think it sends a very bad statement to the world and to the American public that she's willing to take money from countries that have such really poor human rights and women's rights records."

Paul cited Saudi Arabia and Brunei, a country in Southeast Asia, where he said a woman accused of adultery risks death by stoning.

"In Saudi Arabia, a woman was gang-raped by seven men and the woman was then, when she went to the police, arrested and given 90 lashes - the victim of a rape," Paul said. "I think it's unconscionable that Hillary Clinton would accept money from a country that treats women that way."

Paul is on a two-day visit to New Hampshire as he explores a run for President. An announcement is anticipated in early April.

Phil Nazzaro, a 2014 state Senate GOP nominee from Newmarket, hosted a breakfast gathering for Paul at Epoch Restaurant in Exeter on Saturday. Paul began the day greeting people at the Pink Cadillac Diner in Rochester. His schedule included stops in Hampstead and Hollis, where he was to appear with state Sens. Regina Birdsell, R-Hampstead, and Sen. Kevin Avard, R-Nashua.

Nazzaro was on the veterans committee for Ron Paul in 2012. He is not endorsing anyone at this point, but he spoke highly of the buzz around Rand Paul.

"He has a message that appeals to a broad group," Nazzaro said.

In Exeter, Paul said Congress must take bigger steps to curb federal largess and get real with the debt, which puts America "closer to the day of reckoning."

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Paul calls out Clinton on women's rights

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