Rand Paul Angrily Leaves Health Care Reform Meeting With Paul Ryan, Cites ‘Unacceptable’ Replacement Plan – Washington Free Beacon

Rand Paul / AP

BY: Nick Bolger February 16, 2017 2:15 pm

Sen. Rand Paul (R., Ky.) stormed out of a meeting Tuesday with other Senate Republicans and House Speaker Paul Ryan (R., Wis.) on repealingthe Affordable Care Act, saying afterward that he heard "undesirable" replacement plans at the gathering.

"I hear things that are unacceptable to me," Paul said after the meeting, according to Politico. "If they don't seem to care what conservatives think about complete repeal of Obamacare, they're going to be shocked when they count the votes."

The Kentucky senator has repeatedly pushed for the complete repeal and replacement of Obamacareand was unsatisfied with the partial replacement plans being discussed with Ryan and Senate colleagues.

Paul reportedly left the meeting after lengthy discussions about keeping the Affordable Care Act's Medicaid expansion andcreating tax credits that he called a "new entitlement program."

A Republican in the room, however,told Politico that Medicaid expansion was not discussed during the meeting.

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Rand Paul Angrily Leaves Health Care Reform Meeting With Paul Ryan, Cites 'Unacceptable' Replacement Plan - Washington Free Beacon

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