Rand Paul breaks ground at new office in Austin

Sen. Rand Paul speaks at SXSW, Sunday, March 15, 2015 in Austin, Texas. AP

Ahead of a possible 2016 bid for the White House, the Kentucky senator opened a new technology office Monday in Austin -- a liberal oasis in the staunchly conservative Lone Star state.

"Senator Rand Paul will run the most innovative, tech-forward operation of any elected official in the country," Paul's senior digital strategist, Vincent Harris, said in a statement ahead of the grand opening. "This will be a crowd-sourced campaign that places an emphasis on creativity and innovation."

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The office, located in the Capital Factory complex in downtown Austin, will focus on gearing up an "energized" volunteer base to run "the most technologically-savvy campaign in the field," according to the senator's newly hired senior field and technology strategist, Rachel Kania. Paul's shiny new office occupies the same space that hosts indie game developer groups, investment networking seminars, and "music meets tech" happy hours.

Paul appeared in Austin over the weekend at the popular art and tech festival South by Southwest (SXSW). He spoke with Texas Tribune CEO Evan Smith during a Sunday "Conversation with Rand Paul," touching on tech topics near and dear to the senator.

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The Kentucky senator earned a few rounds of applause for his objection to the National Security Agency's mass surveillance programs, and also previewed a "leave-me-alone coalition" meant to fight for privacy rights.

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Rand Paul breaks ground at new office in Austin

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