Rand Paul calls for war declaration

Potential 2016 presidential hopeful Rand Paul was touting his plan to declare war on ISIS

By Ed Tibbetts, Quad-City Times

November 25, 2014 | 6:16 pm

Potential 2016 presidential hopeful Rand Paul was touting his plan to declare war on ISIS, the Sunni extremist group in Iraq and Syria, telling an Iowa radio audience Tuesday hes annoyed as heck with President Barack Obamas approach.

Paul, a Kentucky senator who is considered a probable presidential candidate, was on WHO radio in Des Moines on Tuesday, talking about his plan.

While calling for a declaration of war against the Islamic State, Pauls plan also would limit the use of ground troops and require that the administration come back after a year to seek re-authorization from Congress, according to a draft of the proposal that was posted on The New York Times website.

It annoys the heck out of me that the president thinks he can do this on his own, Paul said Tuesday.

The president has said he has the authority to address ISIS, but earlier this month, he told reporters in a post-election news conference he would seek to engage Congress to build support.

Pauls declaration, as well as the limitations he would put on the use of ground troops, is likely to get opposition from those who dont want a formal war declaration as well as from hawks in his own party who may see the measure as limiting the powers of the commander in chief.

The measure would allow use of ground troops only in specific and limited circumstances.

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Rand Paul calls for war declaration

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