Rand Paul could be the secret to winning the White House

Provided by Washington Examiner

With two Republicans already in the 2024 presidential race and potentially a half-dozen more in spring, some forward-thinking strategists are already looking to next year, when the eventual nominee will pick a running mate.

While there are a lot of choices, the early betting is on a Capitol Hill firebrand uniquely poised to bring in the libertarian wing of the GOP, a bump of potentially 3%-4% of the vote.

There are only two realistic GOP nominees: Donald Trump or Ron DeSantis, said an adviser to House Republicans who is also close to several past conservative presidential candidates.


Since neither is likely to pick the other as a running mate, the adviser offered Kentucky libertarian Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) as a good fit.

Rand Paul as VP for either eliminates the need for a libertarian nominee or third-party candidate. And having that extra 3%-4% moving to the Republican ticket in 10-12 key states would be the margin of victory, he said.

Washington Examiner Videos

Tags: Washington Secrets, 2024 Elections, Rand Paul, Donald Trump, Joe Biden, Ron DeSantis

Original Author: Paul Bedard

Original Location: Rand Paul could be the secret to winning the White House

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Rand Paul could be the secret to winning the White House

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