Rand Paul: ‘Counterproductive’ to back Saudi arms deal if supporting Israel – The Hill

Sen. Rand PaulRand PaulList of GOP lawmakers at the congressional baseball game practice GOP rep: Before shooting, man asked whether we were Dems or GOP GOP rep recounts using belt as tourniquet at baseball practice shooting MORE (R-Ky.) on Tuesday said that supporting a nearly $110 billion arms deal to Saudi Arabia is counterproductive to United States support for Israel, an argument that comes as the Senate prepares to vote on a resolution of disapproval against part of President Trumps weapons sale.

In an op-ed for FoxNews.com, Paul said lawmakers and their constituents should have a say in the arms deal, arguing that weapons could someday be used against Israel.

The United States must also take into full consideration whether providing more arms to Saudi Arabia is beneficial to our ally in the region Israel, Paul wrote.

It would seem counterproductive to provide weapons that might someday be used against Israel.

Already, U.S. military assistance through intelligence, refueling missions, and the sale of major U.S. defense equipment has not abated the humanitarian crisis in Yemen, Paul said.

If anything, it has exacerbated it, and it has associated our name with Saudi Arabias tactics in Yemenis minds.

Paul, along with Sens. Chris MurphyChris MurphySenate rejects effort to block Saudi arms sale Senate Republicans back off proposed restrictions on media Rand Paul: 'Counterproductive' to back Saudi arms deal if supporting Israel MORE (D-Conn.) and Al FrankenAl FrankenOvernight Cybersecurity: Sessions denies Russia collusion | First agency gets 'A' grade on IT | Feds out North Korean botnet | Unusual security update for Windows XP Franken fires back at Sessions after testimony Senate rejects effort to block Saudi arms sale MORE (D-Minn.), on Tuesday afternoon will bring a resolution of disapproval to a vote. The resolution opposed the sale of certain defense services, including technical data.

Will our assistance bring an end to Saudi Arabias history of promoting hatred of America and Israel throughout the world? Paul asked in the op-ed.

Rand Paul: 'Counterproductive' to back Saudi arms deal if supporting Israel - The Hill

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