Rand Paul: Don't Tell Me 5 Lb Babies Have No Rights Simply Because They're Unborn

September 26, 2014|3:32 pm

U.S. Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., speaking at Family Research Council's Values Voter Summit, Washington, D.C., Sept. 26, 2014.

WASHINGTON U.S. Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., who has an uneasy relationship with the pro-life community, took a stand in opposition to late-term abortions in a Friday speech at the Values Voter Summit.

"I've held 1 and-a-half pound babies in my hand," he said. "I've seen them sucking their thumb on an ultrasound, and I've seen surgeons operate on babies still in the womb. So don't tell me that 5-and- 6-pound babies have no rights simply because they're not born."

Paul is an eye surgeon. His father, former congressman and presidential candidate Ron Paul, R-Texas, delivered babies in his career as an OB/GYN.

The abortion debate is not over whether or not the government should protect life, Paul said, but when life begins.

"No civilization," Paul added, "can long endure that does not respect life from the not-yet-born to life's last breath."

He ended the abortion segment of the speech by saying he would "march for life and will continue to stand up in defense of life as long as I'm privileged to be in office."

There has been some tension between Paul and the pro-life community. He has previously made comments that caused pro-lifers to doubt his commitment to defending the lives of the unborn.

In 2013, for instance, he saidin an interview that there could be "thousands of exceptions" to a ban on abortion. And earlier this year, Paul said that if he were elected president there is "not much" he would do on the issue of abortion.

Read more from the original source:
Rand Paul: Don't Tell Me 5 Lb Babies Have No Rights Simply Because They're Unborn

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