Rand Paul Fails Spelling Test in Common Core Attack

First rule of calling someone out on Twitter: Make sure the is are dotted and the ts are crossed particularly if you are debating educational policy.

Sen. Rand Paul (R., Ky.) discovered that Thursday. The senators account tweeted about the meeting in Utah between Jeb Bush and Mitt Romney, saying word is there will be a gift exchange between the two.

Subsequent tweets said Governor Bush apparently gave Mitt Romney a third times a charm bracelet with a picture of a bracelet engraved with a 3x and that Mr. Romney gave Jeb Bush a friendship bracelet that said common core. (Mr. Bush is a prominent proponent of the common core educations standards.)

The digs against his possible opponents for the 2016 Republican nomination were popular among his followers, but there was a problem. The tweet about educational standards had a big spelling error in its art, which was quickly picked up on by the Bush team.

You misspelled friendship. Maybe there is something to be said for higher standards?tweeted Bush spokeswoman Kristy Campbell.

One of the tweets also left out an apostrophe in its art, which read, 3rd times a charm.

The errant @SenRandPaul tweets were quickly deleted and reposted, this time with the typos corrected.

Mr. Paul then tried to make lemonade out of Twitter lemons, with his accounttweeting: Lay off. It was a common core post. We dont have to spell it right!


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See the article here:
Rand Paul Fails Spelling Test in Common Core Attack

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