Rand Paul Fires Back at Rubio over Cuba: Hes Acting Like an Isolationist

It looks like its never too soon for the 2016 partisan back-and-forth to begin.

On last nights Kelly File,Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fl.) said Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) has no idea what hes talking about in his support for ending the embargo on Cuba. And now, Paul has responded in a Facebook post.

Senator Marco Rubio believes the embargo against Cuba has been ineffective, yet he wants to continue perpetuating failed policies, Paul writes. After 50 years of conflict, why not try a new approach? The United States trades and engages with other communist nations, such as China and Vietnam. Why not Cuba? I am a proponent of peace through commerce, and I believe engaging Cuba can lead to positive change.

Paul added that Rubio is acting like an isolationist who wants to retreat to our borders and perhaps build a moat. He also said Rubio does not speak for the majority of Cuban-Americans, who, according to a recent poll, largely support thawing relations between the two nations.

Full Facebook post:

The senator also took the debate to Twitter:

[Featured image via Shutterstock]

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Rand Paul Fires Back at Rubio over Cuba: Hes Acting Like an Isolationist

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