Rand Paul hits NIH Director for mask-at-home comments: How can people who are so smart say such stupid things? – Fox News

Senator Rand Paul joined "Fox News Primetime" to weigh in on National Institutes of Health director Francis Collins' comments saying parents should wear masks at home to protect their children from COVID-19.

SENATOR RAND PAUL: How can people who are sosmart say such stupid things?There is no science to defendputting your kids in masks orparents wearing masksno science whatsoever.If there were, we would bewearing masks for years andyears because for kids, thedeath rate is about the same asthe seasonal flu.It may be less than the seasonalflu. So,is Francis Collinsproposing that because the flu iswith us forever that parentsshould be wearing masks aroundtheir kids that have the flu?It is absolutely and utterlywithout scientific evidence! Now, theyre all freaking outright now about the Deltavariant.One thing isin all likelihood trueit ismoretransmissible, significantly more transmissible, butguess what?Every bit of evidence shows that it's less deadlysignificantly less deadly.Public Health England looked at92,000 people.If you were vaccinated andunder 50, there were no deaths.If you were unvaccinated andunder 50, .08%still very, very small.So, its not an argument for notgetting vaccinated.Its an argument for not gettinghysterical over the Deltavariant.We shouldnt be changing anymandates and really, in alllikelihood, the masks didntaffect the trajectory of thevirus at all.The only thing thats slowingthe virus down is the vaccineand natural immunity and theycontinue to ignore naturalimmunity because they think weare too far behind. Wegot to vaccinate thechildren but, in reality I thinkits 90% of people over 65have been vaccinated.Thats extraordinary.We should be celebrating.


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Rand Paul hits NIH Director for mask-at-home comments: How can people who are so smart say such stupid things? - Fox News

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