Rand Paul Kicks Off 2016 Campaign

Sen. Rand Paul announced a run for the White House Tuesday, with a campaign launch that aimed to expand the GOPs tent while stressing classic Republican themes of limited government and fiscal responsibility.

In a mid-morning speech in Louisville, the Kentucky Republican began by paraphrasing a victory speech from his 2010 Senate primary victory, in which he defeated a candidate backed by the states GOP establishment.

I have a message, a message that is loud and clear and does not mince words: We have come to take our country back, he said. Less than five years ago I stood just down the road in home town in Bowling Green and said those same words. I wasnt supposed to win, no one thought I would.

(The original speech was slightly different, as Paul had then begun by saying that he had he had a message from the Tea Party.)

Read More: Excerpts of Pauls Remarks

Paul was introduced by an array of speakers, including former Republican Rep. J.C. Watts of Oklahoma; Rev. Jerry Stephenson, who leads an inner-city ministry; and University of Kentucky student Lauren Bosler, and his wife, Kelley, among others.

His speech also contained several nods to his hopes to expand the Republican coalition to include younger voters and more ethnic diversity.

This message of liberty is for all Americans, Americans from all walks of life, he said. The message of liberty, opportunity and justice is for all Americans, whether you wear a suit, a uniform or overalls, whether youre white or black, rich or poor.

At the same time, Paul ticked off several proposals from the standard Republican toolkit, including a constitutional amendment to force Congress to balance the budget, term limits for members of Congress and increasing school choice.

We cannot, we must not dilute our message or give up on our principles, he said. If we nominate a candidate who is simply Democrat Light, whats the point?

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Rand Paul Kicks Off 2016 Campaign

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