Rand Paul: People Crossing the Desert With Kids Is …

Wednesday on Fox Business Networks Mornings With Maria, Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) said people crossing the desert with children to get into the United States was essentially child abuse.

Paul said, I think we ought to look at a way to try to not separate the families, but we should also understand our first priority should be to keep everybody safe. I think, children in an area where people are being detained for illegally coming across the border there is always the possibility some people detained could either be smugglers of drugs, sexual traffickers so really in all systems incarceration throughout the United States we dont put children with adults. I understand the emotions of this I think we should look for a solution. But I dont think everybody should say oh were doing this or people doing this on purpose they want to separate kids. I think people truly are concerned about the safety of the children. And how you have children mixed with adults, some adults are not their parents, and some of the adults frankly arent good people.

He continued, I think the other thing is this fits into overall immigration question we have to ask. Do we want to tell everybody in Central America, load up a kid or two, cross the desert, which is really essentially child abuse people die in the desert and try to come into the country. Its not what we want. It is not what we can handle, and it is not the appropriate way. There are immigration stations, and centers where you can go knock on the door say I am applying for asylum. Frankly, we cant have all of Central America come to the stations either. So it is a complicated bigger question than people make it out to be.

He added, Some of the answers peoplehave talked about instead ofpeople going crazy withattacks calling the presidentnames maybe we should thinkabout some solutions and worktogether on the solution. Thiswould require Democrats nothurling insults and swearing ata president.

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Rand Paul: People Crossing the Desert With Kids Is ...

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