Rand Paul Presidential Campaign Staffer Licks Camera of …

A Democratic tracker got a licking Monday while attending a Rand Paul campaign event in New Hampshire.

A campaign staffer for the Republican presidential candidate licked the camera lens of a tracker from the Democratic opposition research super PAC, American Bridge 21st Century, while recording the event. And the tracker caught it all on tape:

(Trackers are people hired by opponents, or opposition groups, to film everything a candidate does or says in public. They are at just about every public event featuring 2016 presidential contenders these days, and campaigns and candidates know to expect them).

When asked about the incident, Paul's campaign avoided it.

"Senator Rand Paul visited New Hampshire today to accept the endorsement of twenty New Hampshire State Representatives who support his run for the White House, and to visit with and take questions from the voters of NH," campaign communications director Sergio Gor said in a statement. "It was a great day of events."

American Bridge Tracking Director Becky Parks reacted in a tweet:

And the group's communications director, Ben Ray, said he's ever seen anything like this before.

"No. No, I have not," Ray told ABC News, noting that it's a common practice for staffers to try to block trackers' cameras with their bodies -- but not to go this far.

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Rand Paul Presidential Campaign Staffer Licks Camera of ...

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