Rand Paul: Sessions’s New Drug Policy is "Injustice" to Minorities – The Libertarian Republic


by Micah J. Fleck

According to Rare:

Sen. Rand Paul has been one of the leading voices for criminal justice reform throughout his entire senate career, particularly of eliminating what he sees as draconian mandatory minimum sentencing laws. When Attorney General Jeff Sessions made it publicon Friday that he woulddirect federal prosecutors to seek the harshest sentences for non-violent drug offenders, the announcement drew a quick rebuke from Sen. Paul.

Paul added, Instead, we should treat our nations drug epidemic as a health crisis and less as a lock em up and throw away the key problem.

Sen. Paul wrote in a USA Today op-ed in 2013, Mandatory minimums most harm those lacking in the means to defend themselves. These laws disproportionately target the poor and minorities.

Getting rid of mandatory minimums simply means allowing judges to use their discretion in sentencing, rather than having to follow the current, draconian federal parameters that are totally detached from the very human situation at hand, Paul added.

Is this Senator Pauls new claim to fame? He has been at this issue for some time now, and it always wins bipartisan support. Not to mention it is objectively noble across the board. Word of advice to Senator Paul: if you run for president again Run on this, not on your weird, divisive black market baby parts mantra.

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