Rand Paul signs pollster for presidential campaign

Paul will be kicking off his presidential campaign next Tuesday during an appearance in Louisville, Ky. | Getty

Tony Fabrizio polled for Rick Perry in 2012, Bob Dole in 1996.

By Alex Isenstadt

4/1/15 6:10 PM EDT

Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul has signed Tony Fabrizio, a veteran Republican pollster, to join his 2016 presidential campaign, according to a source familiar with the move.

Fabrizio joins a growing Paul campaign team that includes campaign manager-in-waiting Chip Englander, and advisers Steve Munisteri, Mike Biundo, and Doug Stafford.

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Fabrizios resume is a long one: He worked on then-Texas Gov. Rick Perrys 2012 presidential campaign Perry recently inked Greg Strimple to poll for his likely campaign and was a top strategist on Bob Doles 1996 bid. Fabrizio also serves as a top adviser to Florida Gov. Rick Scott.

Paul, a first-term Republican, will be kicking off his presidential campaign next Tuesday during an appearance in Louisville, Ky., at the Galt House hotel. The senator will then be heading to New Hampshire, South Carolina, and Iowa for a tour of early primary states.

That would make Paul the second announced presidential candidate of the 2016 campaign; Texas Sen. Ted Cruz launched his bid last week. Another Republican, Florida Sen. Marco Rubio, is expected to begin his campaign on March 13 in Miami.

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Rand Paul signs pollster for presidential campaign

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