Rand Paul slams gay rights in unearthed 2013 interview: I dont really believe in rights based on your behavior

It never ceases to amaze how many people assume that because Rand Paul says reasonable things about the drug war and describes himself as a libertarian conservative, he must be down with the gay rights movement. This isnt simply a belief shared by low-information voters; indeed, it often creeps into media coverage of the Kentucky senator and likely 2016 presidential candidate. In 2014, NPR described Paulas the candidate of GOP voters more tolerant of same-sex marriage, and Politico has suggested that Paul would offer the gay community a presidential pat on the head.

But despite the widely held perception that Paul represents a break with the GOPs anti-gay record, theres little that separates Paul from Rick Santorum on LGBT issues. He has long opposed marriage equality and non-discrimination protections, and just within the past month, Paul has declared that same-sex nuptials offend him and called marriage equality a sign of a moral crisis in American society.

Now, thanks to BuzzFeeds Dominic Holden, we have further evidence of Pauls deep-seated anti-gay views. Holden unearthed a little-noticed 2013 interview in which Paul effectively tried to marry his libertarian views with his opposition to gay equality, declaring that he supports rights for individuals, but not those for groups and not those based on behavior.

I dont think Ive ever used the word gay rights, because I dont really believe in rights based on your behavior, Paul said.

Set aside the patent offensiveness of Pauls notion that being gay is a behavior its an enduring and intrinsic identity, and Pauls statement reduces it to a matter of carnality. Whats particularly striking is that Paul wholly ignores that millions of gay Americans have been denied equal rights because they are gay, which is the very reason a gay rights movement I hope I didnt offend you, senator exists.

In 13 states, gay people are still denied the right to marry, and while were proceeding inexorably toward nationwide marriage equality, that will hardly spell the end of the communitys problems. The Williams Institute at the University of California-Los Angeles estimated in 2011that 40 percent of gay, lesbian, and bisexual workers will experience some manner of employment discrimination in their lifetime; in 29 states, thats perfectly legal. LGBT people are also disproportionately targeted for hate crimes, and as Indiana reminded us this past week, many religious conservatives still see gay people as a substantial burden to their livelihoods.

But please, Rand Paul, enlighten us more with arguments gleaned from the College Libertarian club.

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Rand Paul slams gay rights in unearthed 2013 interview: I dont really believe in rights based on your behavior

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