Rand Paul slams Obamas speech via YouTube, Twitter and …

Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky. (Timothy D. Easley, AP)

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Sen. Rand Paul, a likely GOP presidential candidate, took on the duties of a one-man rapid-response team and pounced on President Obamas State of the Union Address on multiple platforms.

The Kentucky senator posted his own response to Obamas speech on his YouTube channel offering a separate viewfrom the official Republican rebuttal being delivered by Sen. Joni Ernst of Iowa and the Tea Partys view from Rep. Curt Clawson of Florida. Paul is also scheduled to appear on Fox News at 11 p.m. ET.

In his 12-minute video, Paul calls for new leadership and new blood in Washington and leveled broadsides at Obama on issues such as the budget, taxes, health care and foreign policy. Paul pointedly criticized Obama for contributing to income inequality in America and said the presidents policies have allowed the poor to get poorer and the rich to get richer.

The president is intent to redistribute the pie, but not growing it, Paul said in his video. He misunderstands that the bulk of America wants a bigger pie.

Paul didnt limit his criticism to Obama and included his colleagues in Congress as part of the problem.

In another State of the Union-related response, Paul encouragedhis supporters to use a fact-checking tool on his Facebook page to review some of Obamas previous statements.

The libertarian-minded senator is no stranger to the post-State of the Union drill. Paul delivered the Tea Party Express response in 2013 and criticized Obama for increasing spending, raising taxes and overusing his executive authority.

Here are some of the Obama jabs Paul posted on Twitter:

See the rest here:
Rand Paul slams Obamas speech via YouTube, Twitter and ...

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