Rand Paul – Times Topics – The New York Times

Feb. 13, 2014

Sen Rand Paul files lawsuit against Pres Obama and the leaders of several intelligence agencies challenging as unconstitutional the National Security Agencys program that is collecting bulk records about Americans phone calls.MORE

Sen Rand Paul of Kentucky has been trying to broaden his appeal as he test-markets a presidential candidacy, and in doing so he is also trying to take libertarianism into the mainstream of American politics; Paul has impressed Republican leaders with his staying power, despite the fact that interviews, documents and a review of his speeches and articles reveal that he is steeped in a narrow, rightward strain of libertarianism, which has long been on the fringes of American politics.MORE

Senator Rand Paul speaks at Citadel military college in Charleston, SC, sharing his opinions on military intervention, Pentagon and cutting wasteful spending within armed forces.MORE

Sen Rand Paul of Kentucky addresses claims of plagiarism with mix of contrition and defiance, acknowledging that 'mistakes' in his office led to unattributed writing by others to appear in his own work but adding that he is being held to an unfair standard.MORE

Sen Rand Paul of Kentucky, who has had to explain how Wikipedia entries came to be incorporated into his speeches with no attribution, faces charges of direct plagiarism; op-ed article Paul wrote for The Washington Times on mandatory minimum prison sentences appears to have copied language from an essay in magazine The Week.MORE

Rivalry between Tea Party stars Sens Ted Cruz and Rand Paul has been quietly building as they pursue distinctly different paths, diverging not just in style but in approach to intraparty politics; Cruz, who appeals to Christian conservatives, is seen as more extreme while Paul is considered more moderate; divergent strategies could help determine whether Tea Party remains outside Republican establishment or is eventually integrated.MORE

Sen Rand Paul, Kentucky Tea Party Republican, appears to have lifted words for a speech about eugenics from a Wikipedia entry about futuristic movie Gattaca, which imagines a population that has been genetically engineered.MORE

Several Republicans, including Sens Marco Rubio and Rand Paul and New Jersey Gov Chris Christie, are using the government shutdown to stake position for potential presidential bids in 2016.MORE

Gail Collins Op-Ed column reflects on the fact that New Jersey Gov Chris Christie and Sen Rand Paul are seen as frontrunners for the 2016 Republican presidential nomination, race which is still in its infancy; notes that Christie, who has been widely praised for his brash political style in his home state, seems to have come to understanding that abrasiveness would be less welcome across the nation.MORE

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Rand Paul - Times Topics - The New York Times

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