Rand Paul, Trump to meet Tuesday – The Hill

Sen. Rand PaulRand PaulThree more GOP senators announce opposition to healthcare bill Rand Paul: Trump 'open to making bill better' Senate GOP delays ObamaCare repeal vote past recess MORE (R-Ky.) will meet with President Trump on Tuesday afternoon as GOP leadership aims to shore up the votes to repeal and replace ObamaCare.

A spokesman for the Kentucky Republican confirmed the White House meeting, which Paul also tweeted about.

I'll discuss w/ him how to fix bill & get more to a YES on real repeal, things I've tried to tell Senate leaders with no result so far

Paul has been a vocal critic of the Senate GOP's healthcare bill. He told reporterson Mondaynight that he would vote against an initial procedural hurdle that could come as early as Tuesday.

Asked if that meant he would vote "no" on the initial motion to proceed, Paul said, "absolutely," adding that leadership doesn't currently have the votes it needs.

Paul's meeting comes as GOP leadership is stepping up its efforts to win over opposing senators.

Sen. Ted CruzTed CruzThree more GOP senators announce opposition to healthcare bill Senate GOP delays ObamaCare repeal vote past recess Club for Growth opposes Senate ObamaCare repeal bill MORE (R-Texas) huddled in Majority Leader Mitch McConnellMitch McConnellMore than 300 abuse victim support groups oppose GOP healthcare bill Dem lawmaker: GOP healthcare battle is like the Titantic Behind closed doors, tensions in the GOP MORE's (R-Ky.) office for roughly 45 minuteson Tuesday. Vice PresidentPence is also reportedly hosting a handful of conservative senatorson Tuesdaynight.

McConnell has a narrow window for passing their healthcare legislation, which he wants to move before theJuly 4 recess.

With 52 GOP senators, he can only afford to lose two seats and still rely on Pence break a tie.

So far, four GOP senators including Paul have said they will vote to effectively block the Senate from taking up its legislation on a procedural motion.

A spokesman for Sen. Mike LeeMike LeeThree more GOP senators announce opposition to healthcare bill Senate GOP delays ObamaCare repeal vote past recess Club for Growth opposes Senate ObamaCare repeal bill MORE stopped shorton Mondaynight of saying the Utah Republican would vote against proceeding, but stressed that changes needed to be made to win his vote.

"There would have to be changes in the base bill for us to vote for a motion to proceed," he said.

According to ABC News reporter Ali Rogin, Trump called Lee on Monday and hell dine with Pence on Tuesday night.

POTUS called Sen. Mike Lee yesterday to talk healthcare. Spox called it "positive call." Lee will also dine with VP Pence tonight.

Original post:
Rand Paul, Trump to meet Tuesday - The Hill

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