Rand Paul: "We have come to take our country back"

Last Updated Apr 7, 2015 1:08 PM EDT

Rand Paul announced his bid for president Tuesday, telling supporters, "Today begins the journey to take America back."

"Today I announce with God's help, with the help of liberty lovers everywhere, that I am putting myself forward as a candidate for the president of the United States of America," Paul said.

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Sen. Rand Paul announced his bid for the White House at a rally in Louisville, Kentucky. CBS news political director John Dickerson, elections di...

The Kentucky senator's announcement speech in Louisville Tuesday touched on several topics that will frame his campaign, including criticism of special interests and career politicians, the surveillance state, a call for a balanced budget amendment, and closing the income gap.

"We cannot and must not give up on our message or dilute our principles," Paul said. "If we nominate a candidate who is simply Democrat-light, what's the point? Why bother? We need to boldly proclaim our vision for America."

Paul converted his website into a campaign website, randpaul.com, earlier Tuesday. And his political action committee sent a long email imploring supporters to contribute anywhere from $10 to $500 for a "Stand With Rand Money Bomb." Paul has used this fundraising technique in the past to collect small-dollar donations online from grassroots supporters.

"The media tells us -- if our Republican Party has any hope of defeating Hillary Clinton -- you and I should choose a nominee with a track record full of sellouts, compromises and Big Government betrayals. So even though I'm at or near the top of every state poll for the nomination, they continue to try and dismiss my message of liberty and limited government!" the appeal reads.

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Rand Paul: "We have come to take our country back"

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