Rand Paul – YouTube

When I talk with people across Kentucky and the United States, the most common top concern for our country is our ballooning federal debt.

We are currently spending roughly $7 million per minute, and this reckless habit has gone on for way too long.

We currently face a debt of nearly $19 trillion. This is unsustainable. The fiscal crisis that faces our nation must be taken seriously and immediately addressed.

I have introduced several balanced budgets in the Senate that would cut the debt, and I will work tirelessly to balance our budget and only spend what comes in.

We must cut spending in all areas, particularly areas that are better run by state and local governments.

In 46 states across the nation, a Balanced Budget Amendment (BBA) has been enacted in their state constitutions.

I have long been a proponent of adopting the same principle for the Federal Government.

We must work together to reach common sense solutions that will solve our nations fiscal crisis.

Read the original here:
Rand Paul - YouTube

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