Rand Paul’s official haul: $7 million – Katie Glueck and …

Kentucky Sen. Rand Pauls presidential campaign took in about $7 million in the second quarter.

The libertarian-leaning Republican, who is also currently running for Senate reelection, transferred $1.6 million from his Senate campaign committee to his presidential committee, meaning that his White House bid raised $5.3 million in the quarter.

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About 60 percent of contributions from individual donors came from those providing $200 or less to the campaign. The only GOP campaign with a greater percentage of small-dollar donations in the second quarter was Ben Carsons.

Pauls total puts him ahead of candidates such as Mike Huckabee, Rick Perry, Carly Fiorina and Rick Santorum in terms of total raised and cash on hand ($4.1 million). His strong showing with small donors indicates that Paul continues to have some of the grass-roots appeal enjoyed by his father, Ron Paul, who won over scores of small donors with his libertarian message.

Still, while the pro-Paul super PAC has yet to disclose its numbers, the campaigns total does not vault him into the fields top fundraising tier, and he currently also polls in the middle of the pack.

Paul has more than $700,000 in unpaid debts, including several charges for strategy consulting, media and advertising.

In contrast to Jeb Bush, who received donations from a long list of family members, including his father and brother, Paul did not appear to receive any money from his dad, Ron Paul. The elder Paul has a devoted following, and his previous presidential bids have helped provide the senator with a built-in base of support. But his isolationist views have caused problems for his son, who has sought to distance himself on matters of foreign policy and national security.

Below is a breakout of where Pauls campaign finances stood as of the end of June:

Total raised: $6,932,779.14

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Rand Paul's official haul: $7 million - Katie Glueck and ...

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