Rand Paul’s weekly report – The Falmouth Outlook

Dear Friend,

The recent deaths of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor are tragedies and injustices. There is no excuse for the actions of those involved, or the abuse of government power that enables tragedies like these.

Since entering the Senate, I have been a leading advocate for criminal justice reform, and you can find a video covering some of my work and statements on this critical issueHERE.

Dr. Rand Paul Introduces Legislation and Senate Rule Change to Enact Congressional Transparency

Too often in Congress, legislation is pushed through without hearings, amendments, or debate.

I firmly believe the American people have a right to be part of the legislative process, and, this week, I reintroduced multiple reforms to improve that process -the Write the Laws Act (filed in the Senate as S. 3904), the One Subject at a Time Act (S. 3845), and the Read the Bills Act (S. 3879), as well as a Read the Bills change to Senate rules and procedure.

The rule change would require the Senate, unless it waives the rule by a three-fifths majority vote after three hours of debate for the American people to see, to wait one legislative day for every 20 pages in a proposed bill before it could hold a vote.

This would help prevent legislation, often totaling hundreds of pages, from being rammed through the Senate at the last minute.

The Write the Laws Act, One Subject at a Time Act, and Read the Bills Act (which would require a seven-day waiting period before voting on legislation) would restore the constitutional principle of separation of powers, end the practice of including more than one subject in a single bill, and preserve the constitutional authority of Congress.

These bills, which I originally introduced in the 112th Congress, will allow citizens sufficient time to read legislation and give input to members of Congress as it considers policies that impact all Americans lives.

I will continue to stand by my pledge to increase transparency and accessibility in the U.S. Senate.

Dr. Rand Paul Helps Military Veteran Receive Honors at Funeral

The novel coronavirus pandemic has changed so much about our daily lives, including some of our most time-honored traditions.

Recently, my team learned that Kentuckian, Vietnam veteran, and Purple Heart recipient James Shaw, who passed away on Saturday, would not be able to receive military honors at his funeral due to the COVID-19 restrictions.

My staff worked together with the Betts & West Funeral Home in Nicholasville, KY, and the VA to make sure this veteran could be recognized for his service, and I'm pleased to report that our efforts were successful, as the Military Freedom Festorganization provided the honors at his service this week.

You can find LEX 18's report on this storyHERE!

Dr. Rand Paul on Justin Walker Nomination Advancing to the Senate Floor

On Thursday, the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee voted in favor of Judge Justin Walker's nomination to serve on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit, our nation's second most powerful court, and I look forward to his approval by the full Senate soon!

I recommended Judge Walker to the Trump administration for his current seat on the Western Kentucky District Court, and I was honored to introduce him at the Judiciary Committee's hearing on his nomination in May.

Im very pleased that President Trump reached outside the Beltway-to-New York bubble to elevate a judge who is committed to our Constitution, I said at the time.

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Rand Paul's weekly report - The Falmouth Outlook

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