Rand Paul’s wife is losing it on Twitter over Chinese third graders, math, and men having babies – Queerty

Rand Pauls wife, Kelley, got a jumpstart on marking Transgender Day of Visibility by firing off a psychotic tweet ranting and raving about Chinese third graders, math, and men having babies.

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Yesterday, Mrs. Paul tweeted: Chinese third graders are learning multi-variable calculus. Our third graders are being taught that men can have babies. This will not end well.

OK first, we would like to meet these Chinese third graders learning multi-variable calculus. Second, sex ed is definitely not being taught to third graders in the United States. And third, Kelleys tweet, like Kelley herself, is complete garbage. Sadly, its right on brand for the extreme right-wing activist and frequent guest on Fox News.

Related: Rand Pauls wife is freaking out over an elementary school Pride event that happened a year ago

Mrs. Paul has quite a history of saying stupid things on social media. Last week, she tweeted about her outrage over an elementary school in Austin, Texas that held a Pride parade for students back in April 2021. Last month, she tweeted her support for transphobic childrens author JK Rowling. And last year, she accused 80s singer Richard Marx, best known for his 1989 worldwide hit single Right Here Waiting, of trying to get her husband killed.

Related: Rand Paul and his wife accuse 80s singer of possibly being behind foiled plot to have them killed

Were sure Kelleys transphobic tweet being fired off the day before Transgender Day of Visibility, an annual event occurring on March 31 that celebrates trans people and raises awareness of the discrimination they still face worldwide, was no coincidence.

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Rand Paul's wife is losing it on Twitter over Chinese third graders, math, and men having babies - Queerty

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