Rubio: Rand Paul taking his cues from Obama on Cuba

From left to right, Sens. Marco Rubio, R-Florida, and Rand Paul, R-Kentucky Getty

Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Florida, fired back late Friday after Sen. Rand Paul, R-Kentucky, criticized his stance on Cuba as "isolationist," accusing Paul of embracing President Obama's decision to normalize U.S.-Cuba relations after more than 50 years of disengagement.

"He just basically repeated the talking points of the president," Rubio said about Paul on Mark Levin's radio show. "And that's fine, he has every right to support the president's foreign policy if that's what he wants to line up with. But I'm telling you it isn't going to work. This notion that somehow by doing this there's going to be change in Cuba is just not true."

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Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Florida, says the changes to the U.S.-Cuba relationship announced by President Obama are a concession to tyranny.

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Sen. Rand Paul, R-Kentucky, voices support for President Obama's decision to normalize relations with Cuba, saying the decades-old U.S. embargo a...

After Mr. Obama announced the resumption of diplomatic relations with Cuba Wednesday, Rubio, a son of Cuban immigrants, savaged the decision as a concession to tyranny, and he vowed to do everything he can in the Senate to block efforts to lift the Cuban embargo.

"Appeasing the Castro brothers will only cause other tyrants from Caracas to Tehran to Pyongyang to see that they can take advantage of President Obama's naivet during his final two years in office," Rubio said.

Paul, though, voiced support for the president's move, saying the move to normalize relations with Cuba "is probably a good idea."

The rest is here:
Rubio: Rand Paul taking his cues from Obama on Cuba

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