Sen. Paul convinced party will be united with McConnell

LOUISVILLE It was kind of like that old television commercial, only this time it seemed to be If Rand Paul says its so, it must be so.

What he said is that he and his U.S. Senate colleague Mitch McConnell are excited to have a Republican Party all pulled together for our nominee.

That nominee, of course, is McConnell, who crushed Matt Bevin in Tuesdays primary which set McConnell against Democrat Alison Lundergan Grimes in this falls general election.

Problem is, Bevin hasnt yet endorsed McConnell. McConnell said he and Bevin havent spoken since Tuesday night when Bevin said the countrys solutions must come from the ranks of the Republican Party and that he could never support Grimes platform. But he stopped short of endorsing McConnell.

But the five-term incumbent, who hopes to see the GOP take control of the Senate and fulfill his lifelong dream of becoming Majority Leader, pointed out that outside tea party groups like the Senate Conservatives Fund, the Madison Project and Eric Ericson of RedState have endorsed him since Tuesday.

Paul said he will campaign for McConnell and vouched for McConnells tea party-like, conservative bona fides. Paul said, as someone who came out of the tea party movement, Im very concerned about the debt; Im very concerned about big government.

But I think the misnomer is that somehow Sen. McConnell isnt, Paul continued. Bevin and other tea party voices have accused McConnell of not being conservative enough and too willingly to cut deals with President Barack Obama and Congressional Democrats.

But Paul and McConnell made it abundantly clear they have no use for Obama, suggesting Obama is out to get Kentucky.

We see this is almost as a patriotic fervor, Paul said. We think Kentucky almost needs to be defended against the policies of President Obama and we think the only way that Kentucky can have a fighting chance is to have someone who will stand up to President Obama.

Both McConnell and Paul repeated the line that Obama is behind a war on coal, causing in Pauls words a veritable depression in eastern Kentucky. Both said regardless of how many times she declares her support for coal, Grimes will support the agenda of Obama and Democratic Majority Leader Harry Reid.

Continued here:
Sen. Paul convinced party will be united with McConnell

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