So That Happened: Rand Paul School Of Journalism Open…

Sen. Rand Paul likes to school reporters on how to do their job. (AP Photo/Jim Cole) | ASSOCIATED PRESS

This week, we discuss the fallout from the Columbia Journalism Review report on Rolling Stone's discredited campus rape story, Sen. Rand Pauls campaign strategy of talking down to reporters, and why Democrats have been obscuring their support for more deregulation of big banks.

Listen to this week's "So, That Happened" podcast below:

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Some highlights from this week:

"It's so common, the regular rapes, where someone is passed-out drunk and someone has sex with them. They feel violated and traumatized, and why is their story not good enough for a Rolling Stone reporter?" -- Laura Bassett on CJR's Rolling Stone report

"When a reporter asks him a question, rather than answer the question, we first get a lecture from the Rand Paul School of Journalism. And with journalism schools, you pay a lot of money for very little, so I appreciate the fact that Rand Paul doesn't charge." -- Jason Linkins on the Kentucky senator's "mansplaining"

"Sometimes bipartisan is fine. It's OK at times. But oftentimes it just means doubly corrupt." -- Zach Carter on Democratic support for bank deregulation

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So That Happened: Rand Paul School Of Journalism Open...

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