Texas GOP chairman sides with Rand Paul – CNN.com

Story highlights Rand Paul's team is adding the Texas GOP chairman as an adviser It's a notable move for Paul as he gears up to face a number of rivals with Texas ties in the 2016 Republican presidential race

As campaigns start taking shape ahead of the 2016 Republican presidential race, Paul's alliance with Munisteri is notable given the throng of other potential contenders with ties to Texas, a state rich in campaign cash.

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Munisteri will resign his role with the state party on Friday to join Team Rand, he said in a statement issued on Thursday. The Wall Street Journal first reported the story on Thursday evening.

As chairman since 2010, Munisteri will bring with him a sizable rolodex and intricate knowledge of the reliably red state.Texas is expected to hold its primary on March 1, 2016, and given the crowded field of potential candidates, it could play an influential role in the contest for the Republican nomination.

Munisteri said he's supporting Paul, whom he' known for 33 years, in part because of the Kentucky Republican's strategy to court nontraditional GOP voters, like African-Americans and young people, according to The Wall Street Journal.

"Paul shares my vision of promoting the conservative values of individual freedom, limited government, a strong national defense and defense of the Constitution in each and every community in our country," the chairman said.

Munisteri gained a reputation for being fair and inclusive, said Dallas County GOP Wade Emmert, who's running to replace the chairman.

"This is a real coup for Rand Paul," Emmert said, noting that Munisteri brings "instant credibility" in Texas.

While Paul was raised in Texas and attended Baylor University -- his father, ex-Rep. Ron Paul, represented a district near of Houston for 23 years -- a number of his potential contenders also have deep roots in the Lone Star State.

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Texas GOP chairman sides with Rand Paul - CNN.com

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