The Fix: A thorough analysis of Rand Pauls support for Netanyahu, as measured in clapping

There has been some discussion of an animation of Sen. Rand Paul's (R-Ky.) rather sedate clapping at Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's speech before Congress on Tuesday. By discussion, we mostly mean "online complaining." As usual.

Here's the image, via the National Review.

Paul is clapping a bit slower; he's looking around; he lacks the sort contented smile of Sen. David Vitter (R-La.), to his right, or Thom Tillis (R-N.C.), in front of him.

Paul thinks this critique is silly, to which we say: Fair enough.

The problem, of course, is one that has dogged Paul since he got to the Senate. Rand Paul is constantly measured against his father, former Texas congressman Ron Paul. And Ron Paul set a high bar for A Member of the Paul Family Expressing Enthusiasm.

How famous is that GIF? Edward Snowden made reference to it in his Reddit AMA.

That's what an excited Paul looks like, Rand. Step it up.

Philip Bump writes about politics for The Fix. He is based in New York City.

Read more here:
The Fix: A thorough analysis of Rand Pauls support for Netanyahu, as measured in clapping

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