The Fix: Chris Christie versus Rand Paul, part 19: Ebola

Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) and Gov. Chris Christie (R-N.J.) don't like each other. This isn't "news," as such; the two got into a feud in July 2013 over foreign policy and government spending and who was better, Springsteen or Rush (probably).

Now, a new front has been opened: How scared we should be about Ebola.

Paul has suggested that Ebola poses more of a threat than the White House is willing to admit. Last week, he spoke to Bloomberg News, questioning the risk level associated with being near an infected person.

"Im thinking like AIDS, you dont get AIDS at a cocktail party so my level of alarm goes down," Paul said. "And if I am treating somebody or looking at them around, Im thinking, oh no its like AIDS, I am not going to get it. But it really isnt like AIDS." (The Post's fact-checker gave Paul's claims three Pinocchios.)

In an interview with a radio station in Kentucky, Paul went further. "[T]his is an incredibly contagious disease," he said. "People in full gloves and gowns are getting it. So really [the White House] needs to be honest this is a very transmissible disease."

Enter his nemesis from Jersey. Speaking at Hackensack University Medical Center, Christie described talking to his young daughter about why she doesn't need to worry about the disease.

Christie described talking to his young daughter about why she doesn't need to worry about the disease while speaking at Hackensack University Medical Center on Wednesday. (Youtube/ GovChristie)

"I listened to her for a long time about what her concerns were for a few minutes. And then I said to her, listen its not going to happen," he said. "Youre not going to get it. Thats not the way this works. Its not like getting a cold which is what she was really worrying about."

He continued: "The hysteria thats going on in terms of the coverage, just the volume of coverage. Put aside the content. Just the volume of coverage is leading a lot of children to be concerned about this in a way that just isnt proportional to the risk."

Was Christie targeting Paul directly with his initial response? No, probably not. But after clipping it and transcribing it and putting it on Youtube -- as his team did -- it strikes us as unlikely that they weren't aware of the contrast that would be drawn. 2016 should be fun.

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The Fix: Chris Christie versus Rand Paul, part 19: Ebola

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