The Fix: Rand Paul tweets fake phone call between Jeb Bush and Hillary Clinton. Internet yawns.

Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) seems not so much to be running for President, but King of the Internet or King of Silly Snark instead.

The latest?

He tweeted out a fake phone call between Jeb Bush and Hillary Clinton that hits them on their dynastic roots. Yes, the son of a three-time presidential candidate/Texas Congressman is hitting someone else for coming from a political family.

You see, Paul really doesn't like that the same candidates run again and again and thinks the American public shouldn't either. (Sidenote: Ron Paul ran for president in 1988, 2008 and 2012.)

As for the phone call here's the "transcript" (or listen here):

BUSH: Hey, Hill. Its Jeb.

CLINTON: Hey, Jeb. To what do I owe this pleasure?

BUSH: Well, its true. Im thinking about running for president.

CLINTON: Well, Jeb, so am I.

BUSH: I just wanted to call and give you a heads-up in hopes we could work something out.

The Fix: Rand Paul tweets fake phone call between Jeb Bush and Hillary Clinton. Internet yawns.

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