WATCH: Drudge Blasts Congress for Inaction; Rand Paul Responds – Fox News Insider

Matt Drudge took to Twitter to blast Congress for hanging the new president "out to dry" by failing to move on ObamaCare and other agenda items.

Drudge included a photo of House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) in the tweets from his verified account.

Congress hanging The Donald out to dry. Making him do everything alone! Despicable. No tax cuts, no Obamacare repeal. NOTHING

MATT DRUDGE (@DRUDGE) January 30, 2017

Republicans kept repealing Obamacare while O was in office [knowing would go nowhere]. Now... NOTHING!

MATT DRUDGE (@DRUDGE) January 30, 2017

He argued that GOP lawmakers were quick to act on repealing ObamaCare when they knew their bills would be vetoed by then-President Barack Obama.

Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY), who put forth his own plan to replace the Affordable Care Act, was asked about the criticism this morning on "America's Newsroom."

"I think my bill is a consensus bill and all Republicans can vote for my bill," he said, adding that other proposals could divide the party.

Paul said ObamaCare is "complicated" and took three years to roll out. He said it would take "about a month" to work out all the details, but that he wants to "repeal and replace [on the] same day."

Watch the interview above.

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WATCH: Drudge Blasts Congress for Inaction; Rand Paul Responds - Fox News Insider

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