Editorial: This president coddles criminals, and the Republican Party coddles him. – STLtoday.com

Barr had long since lost any credibility as Americas top law enforcement official, showing himself to be just another Trump crony, but the move was still shocking enough to prompt the four-member Justice Department team prosecuting Stone to resign from the case in protest.

Barrs office didnt ask the judge for a specific sentence for Stone, just that it be lighter. Trump weighed in, with outlandish inappropriateness, to suggest a specific sentence: Nothing. He can sleep well at night, Trump tweeted late last week in response to a supporters call for Stones pardon.

The investigation that Trump keeps calling a witch hunt obtained the convictions against Stone and many other clearly guilty Trump associates, Kremlin associates and others, as well as presenting damning evidence that Trump personally, repeatedly obstructed justice.

He pardons guilty cronies, ignores congressional subpoenas, fights proper legal attempts by plaintiffs to obtain his business records and, along the way, publicly calls for violence against protesters.

As for Americas top law the Constitution his contempt for it was, most recently, demonstrated when those acting on his behalf violently cleared peaceful protesters so Trump could stand in front of a church for the cameras.

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Editorial: This president coddles criminals, and the Republican Party coddles him. - STLtoday.com

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