Letter: Republicans appear to be on path to one-party rule – Reading Eagle


Whether you are a Republican or a Democrat, you should be concerned about protecting our democracy. Based on what we are seeing so far in the impeachment trial of President Donald Trump, it appears the entire GOP (Gerrymandering Oligarchy Party) is out to turn our democracy into a monarchy.

Why else would they turn a blind eye to everything that has been exposed showing how corrupt this president is? Why would you not want to present witnesses and documents unless there is something to hide?

Why do Republicans push voter suppression, gerrymandering and purging of registered voters who are mainly Democrats? They push to eliminate environmental regulations that protect the people while doing the bidding of the energy and pharmaceutical industries. They provide subsidies and tax breaks to corporate interests that have funded their endeavor (corporate socialism) while taking from the poor to give to the rich (Republicans are looking to make cuts in Social Security and Medicare).

The GOP is interested in making America a one-party system the Trumpican party.

If this impeachment trial in the Senate turns out to be the sham it appears to be, we will have lost our democracy to a monarchy.

Escaping a monarch is why our nation was founded in the first place. And where is our Republican Sen. Pat Toomey on this? Voting right along party lines.

This is why I am no longer a Republican.

John J. Csaszar

Ruscombmanor Township

Originally posted here:
Letter: Republicans appear to be on path to one-party rule - Reading Eagle

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