Letter to the editor: Don’t follow Republican advice on these ballot questions – TribLIVE

Many conservatives feel betrayed by their Republican state representatives for actively championing Act 77 in 2019, prior to covid-19, for legalized no-excuse mail-in ballots, which I believe is a Democratic initiative similar to defunding the police. Our May 18 primary will have four ballot questions. Again, our Republican Legislature wants us to vote yes on all four, yet I advise no to questions 3 and 4:

1. Vote yes to allowing a majority vote to extend or terminate emergency powers.

2. Vote yes to limiting the Pennsylvania governors emergency powers to 21 days.

3. Vote no to amending the Pennsylvania Constitution regarding race and ethnicity. This is redundant to the 14th Amendment for equal treatment and could be used, like Act 77, in ways not spelled out, such as employing and housing illegals. They should have added the word citizen. If our Pennsylvania judiciary can subvert the law once, they can do it again with this back-door sanctuary amendment.

4. Vote no to allowing fire departments and EMS companies with paid personnel to apply for state loans. This could lead to more paid fire departments.

Unfortunately, our Republican representatives have their own agenda and are not representing the best interests of Trump conservatives and cant be trusted. They clearly lack the fortitude to fight like progressives. When in doubt, vote no.

John Ventre


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Letter to the editor: Don't follow Republican advice on these ballot questions - TribLIVE

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