Letter to the Editor: Republican convention | Opinion | bakersfield.com – The Bakersfield Californian

Donald Trump, when it was in his interest, claimed he had the coronavirus in control, declaring he was waging a war on COVID-19. With glee, he proclaimed himself a "war time president." In this capacity, Trump has insisted no more than 50,000 would die, a vaccine would be available soon and encouraged consumption of household cleaning products as well the malaria drug, Hydroxychloroquine, as promising treatment. All these recommendations were empty.

Now that more than 110,000 Americans have succumbed to the virus, Trump has abandoned interest, halted daily updates and inherently silenced his pandemic experts. It's incontestable, with 21 states experiencing an uptick in new cases, evidence the pandemic is expanding. Arizona, Texas and the Carolinas have emerged as hot spots. Circumstances are increasing demand on hospitals. it begs the question, are states which reopened early experiencing renewed growth in COVID-19 as the result of abandoning social distancing and face masks?

That said, Trump's new and foremost concern is on relocating the Republican Convention to a state which ignores social distancing. Apparently, concern for American health takes a back seat to Trump's vision of a large, televised Republican Convention. Who would have guessed?

Wade Eagleton, Bakersfield

Letter to the Editor: Republican convention | Opinion | bakersfield.com - The Bakersfield Californian

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