Republican presidential contenders for 2016

Tainted by scandal: Republican hopeful New Jersey Governor Chris Christie. Photo: AFP

Although Jeb Bush has taken a step towards announcing plans to run for president, the field of Republican contenders for the White House in 2016 remains open. Below is list of possibles candidates.

Jeb BushThe only two-term Republican governor of Florida and the son and brother of a president.

Failed in 2012: Texas Governor Rick Perry believes voters could give him a second chance. Photo: AP

Chris Christie Governor of blue New Jersey and an early front runner, but now tainted by scandal involving punishing political opponents.


Rand Paul Libertarian first-term senator from Kentucky, who has taunted Chris Christie as the "king of bacon" for his alleged fondness for spending that benefits New Jersey.

Ben Carson Retired African-Americanneurosurgeon, who emphasises cultural issues and currently polls second among Republicans for the 2016 nomination.

Critical of Christie: Senator Rand Paul, of Kentucky, is a libertarian who is tilting mainstream. Photo: AP

Scott Walker Wisconsin governor, who has won three state-wide races and is known for his fierce assaults on public unions.

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Republican presidential contenders for 2016

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