White House, Republican leaders struggle to respond to Trump’s latest untethered pronouncements – Daily Kos

To give you just a taste of the chaos that is enveloping the White House today, in the wake of Trumps new unsourced theory that the prior United States president was personally spying on him: Trumps team is running freelance on this one. Not only can they not decide on how to respond to Trumps claim, they cant even decide whether or not theyll be responding to it at all.

Meanwhile, Republican lawmakers are paddling the same waters. While Sen. Marco Rubio allowed on Meet the Press that there was no evidence to support Trumps latest Twitter rant, Sen. Tom Cotton puffed that well, merely because Donald Trump appears to have pulled the theory not even from a Breitbart conspiracy article but entirely out of his own behind doesnt mean that none of these things have happened, just means I havent seen them yet.

This is indeed the problem at hand. What is the proper Republicanresponse to a sitting president making up conspiracy theories against him and announcing them to his followers out of nowhere? If Donald Trump next tweets that Barack Obama put a snake in his golf bag, despite no evidence of said snake, will Tom Cotton again go on television and defend it as a thing that could have theoretically happened, even if theres no actual evidence, because reasons?

Thats where we are. Florida Man, having left his advisers behind for another weekend of golf and ketchup steaks, is inventing conspiracies against him and the entire collected apparatusesof both the White House and the Republican Party are attempting, on the fly, to justify why this isnt evidence of a man untethered to reality and incapable of governance.

Its been what, five weeks?

Read more here:
White House, Republican leaders struggle to respond to Trump's latest untethered pronouncements - Daily Kos

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