Generic Congressional Vote – RealClearPolitics

All Commentary & News Stories

- Myth of the Stay-at-Home Republican - Karl Rove, Wall Street Journal

- How White House Learned to Be Liberal - Jonathan Chait, NY Magazine

- Mitt Romney in Denial After 2012 Defeat - Dan Balz, Changing Lanes

- N.C. Finds 35K Incidents of 'Double Voting' in 2012 - Andrew Johnson, NRO

- White House Delayed Policies Ahead of Election - Juliet Eilperin, Wash Post

- Double Down: The War of Umbrage - Michael Kinsley, New York Times

- How Much Does Voter Ignorance Mattter? - Sean Trende, Cato Unbound

- Romney Camp's Own Polls Showed It Would Lose - John Sides, Wash Post

- No Drama Obama's Dramatic 2012 Reelection - Richard Wolffe, Daily Beast

- Can Twitter Predict Elections? Not So Fast - Mark Blumenthal, Huff Post

- How Twitter Can Help Predict an Election - Fabio Rojas, Washington Post

- Yes, the Missing White Voters Matter - Sean Trende, RealClearPolitics

- Case of the Missing White Voters, Revisited - Sean Trende, RealClearPolitics

- Why Republicans Lost the Vote But Kept the House - Sean Trende, RCP

- Sweeping Conclusions From CPS Data Are a Mistake - Sean Trende, RCP

- Black Turnout, GOP Denial Both High - Michael Tomasky, The Daily Beast

- Not Every GOP Approach Will Work Everywhere - Jim Geraghty, The Corner

- Did Dems Get Lucky in the Electoral College? - Nate Silver, FiveThirtyEight

- Better Technology Won't Save the GOP - Jamelle Bouie, TAPPED

- Why Stuart Stevens is Right - Chris Cillizza, The Fix

- Why Black Voters Are Critical to the GOP - Jamelle Bouie, TAPPED

- Republicans Shouldn't Be Too Reasonable - Jonathan Tobin, Commentary

- The Republican Renewal - Yuval Levin, The Corner

- Long Voting Lines & Democratic Cities - Hans von Spakovsky, The Foundry

- A Lot of Cooks in the GOP Kitchen - Steve Benen, Maddow Blog

- Are Democratic Senators Frightnened? - Ed Kilgore, Political Animal

- Is a Franken-Bachmann Showdown on the Horizon? - Scott Conroy, RCP

- GOP Makeover is Purely Cosmetic - Greg Sargent, Plum Line

- Republicans Facing a Grim Reality - Jonathan Chait, New York Magazine

- The Establishment, the Tea Party and Blame - Jamelle Bouie, TAPPED

- The Great Gerrymander of 2012 - Sam Wang, New York Times

- New GOP Strategy: Run Subtle, Run Deep - Ed Morrissey, Hot Air

- GOP Doesn't Know It Has a Problem - Steve Benen, Maddow Blog

- GOP Could Be in the Wilderness For Awhile - Daniel Larison, TAC

- The Necessity of Second Inaugurals - Susan Milligan, TJS

- A President Who Has Learned Nothing - Jonathan Tobin, Contentions

- GOP Must Accept Reality of Single Moms - Lori Sanders, Ideas

- What Obama, Romney Spent Per Vote - David Boaz, @Liberty

- To Pick Cabinet, GOP Should Win More - Jamelle Bouie, Plum Line

- The Future of Conservative 'Populism' - Ed Kilgore, Political Animal

- Obama's Vote Total Puts Him in a Small Club - Steve Benen, Maddow Blog

- Conservative Populism Worthy of the Name - Ross Douthat, Evaluations

- Lessons for Both Parties From the 2012 Elections - Albert Hunt, Bloomberg

- Why the Election Polls Missed the Mark - Steven Shepard, National Journal

- In Montana, Dark Money Helped Keep Dem Seat - Kim Barker, ProPublica

- What 2012 Population Estimates Could Mean in 2020 - Sean Trende, RCP

- The GOP Really Hits Bottom - Jonathan Tobin, Contentions

- Pelosi Stalls on the Ethics Committee - Lachlan Markay, The Foundry

- The Real Presidential Election is Today - England & Ross, The Corner

- The Best and Worst of 2012, Part II - Stuart Rothenberg, Roll Call

- The Age of GOP Governors - Peter Wehner, Contentions

- Best and Worst of the 2012 Campaigns - Stuart Rothenberg, Roll Call

- Big Money Played Destructive Role in 2012 - Albert Hunt, Bloomberg

- Team Obama Tries to Reframe Brutish Win - Jason Zengerle, NY Magazine

- Were Super PACs a Giant Waste of Money? - Robert Schlesinger, TJS

- Ten Encouraging Signs for Republicans - Jennifer Rubin, Right Turn

- A Conservative Purge in the House? - Ed Morrissey, Hot Air

- Whither the Tea Party? - Chris Cillizza, The Fix

- Republicans Get Religion on Campaign Tech - Tim Murphy, Mother Jones

- How Both Parties Borrow From Europe - Jamelle Bouie, TAPPED

- Swing Counties Tell Story of Romney's Defeat - Albert Hunt, Bloomberg

- Class Wars of 2012 - Paul Krugman, New York Times

- The Science Behind Those Obama E-Mails - Joshua Green, Bloomberg BW

- The Racializing of American Politics - Daniel Henninger, Wall St. Journal

- GOP Can't Afford to Ignore Health Care - Philip Klein, Beltway Confidential

- How Can the GOP Win? Find a Good Candidate - Noemie Emery, Examiner

- The Coming Liberal Wave - Jamelle Bouie, The American Prospect

- Why the Right's Reaction to Moore Matters - Steve Benen, Maddow Blog

- Why Republicans Should Have Won the Election - Chris Cillizza, The Fix

- Learning From the Election - Victor Davis Hanson, PJ Media

- The GOP's Senate Problem - Ramesh Ponnuru, The Corner

- States Choose Own Paths - Michael Barone, Washington Examiner

- What Do Republicans Want? - Paul Waldman, TAPPED

- The Norquist Rebellion Isn't News - David Dayen, Firedoglake

- Republican Senate Hopes For 2014 Get a Boost - Paul Mirengoff, PowerLine

- Analyst on Young Voters in the 2012 Election - The NewsHour

- 2012: Arrival of Reconfigured America - Ron Brownstein, National Journal

- Republicans' Voter Suppression Strategy - Ari Berman, The Nation

- A Return to Trench Warfare Politics - Michael Barone, DC Examiner

- Shields and Brooks on the Week in Politics - The NewsHour

- The Enduring Threat of GOP Challengers - Steve Benen, Maddow Blog

- The Next Conservatives? - Steven Hayward, PowerLine

- Challengers for Chambliss? - Michael Warren, The Blog

- Analysts on the Campaign Finance in 2012 - The NewsHour

- How Charter Schools Fleece Taxpayers - Timothy Noah, The Plank

- Remember the Provisional Ballot Problem? - Abby Rapoport, TAPPED

- Polarization and Federalism - Ed Kilgore, Political Animal

- Is the White House Ready to Go Over the Cliff? - Greg Sargent, Plum Line

- Sources of Conservative Renewal - Rod Dreher, TAC

- The Fiscal Cliff and Downgrading U.S. Debt - Rebecca Thiess, EPI

- Should Obama Call the GOP's Bluff? - Kevin Drum, Mother Jones

- Democrats' Electoral College Advantage - Jonathan Bernstein, PostPartisan

- The Liberal Gloat - Ross Douthat, New York Times

- Our Suddenly Race-Obsessed Politics - Mark Steyn, National Review

- The Political Landscape After 2012 - Sean Trende, RealClearPolitics

- Feminists for the Win in 2012 - Jessica Valenti, The Nation

- Jackson-Vanik Ends, But Legacy Continues - Seth Mandel, Contentions

- The Coming Democratic Fights - Ed Kilgore, Political Animal

- Social Issues: Should Republicans Re-Calibrate? - Paul Mirengoff, PowerLine

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Generic Congressional Vote - RealClearPolitics

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