Handel Touts National Republicans’ Contributing to Her Campaign – Roll Call

Georgia Republican House candidate Karen Handel, who has been critical of Democrats outside the district supporting her opponent, was caught on an audio recording telling donors that national GOPheavyweightswill be lending a hand to her campaign.

At a meet and greet for Dekalb County Republicans at a private home, Handel is heard speakingabout plans to have Vice President Mike Pence campaign with her.

Handel saysthat she cant give adate yet for the VPs visit, but would when she had it.

Hopefully its going to be both a fundraiser and a rally,she says in the recording. Thats what we're pushing for so that we have as many people as possible.

An attendee at the meet and greet provided the audio toa source, who provided it to Roll Call. Handels campaign has not responded to requests for comment.

In the recording, Handel also touts that Florida Sen. Marco Rubio might come to campaign.

Everyone around the country is really watching things and making sure we have the absolute best possible team and all of the resources to get this job done, Handel is heard saying.

Republicans have criticized Ossoff for his ties to national Democrats like Nancy Pelosi and for getting supportfrom liberal types in Hollywood.

Handel is set to campaignwith House Speaker Paul D. Ryan on Monday.

Pollingshows Handel and Ossoff in a dead heat. A new poll by Gravis Marketing shows Ossoff with a slight lead against Handel, but it also shows that 53 percent of voters who did not vote in the primaryleaning toward Ossoff in the runoff and only 32 percent leaning toward Handel.

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Handel Touts National Republicans' Contributing to Her Campaign - Roll Call

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