House Republicans Introduce Bill to Double Science and Tech Funding – MeriTalk

House Science, Space and Technology Committee Ranking Member Frank Lucas, R-Okla., is reintroducing legislation proposing the U.S. double its investments in research funding across several Federal agencies and create a national science and technology strategy.

The Securing American Leadership in Science and Technology Act (SALSTA) carries the same name as similar legislation that Rep. Lucas introduced in the last Congress, but the current bill reflects a greater need for intellectual property protection and critical materials supply chain security. The current bill would also double funding for basic research over 10 years.

Doubling our investment in basic and early-stage research is unquestionably whats needed for a clean economy that stays ahead of foreign competition, Lucas said in a statement. SALSTA creates a national strategy for American research and development that focuses on advanced technologies and clean energy solutions.

In addition to doubling the funding for research over 10 years, the proposed legislation would do the following:

We need to protect U.S. research from theft while also maintaining the transparent and cooperative environment that generates scientific discoveries, Lucas said.

Lucas is joined by 15 other House Republicans on the legislation.

House Republicans Introduce Bill to Double Science and Tech Funding - MeriTalk

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