Letter: Republicans must repeal Obamacare soon – Knoxville News Sentinel

Knoxville News Sentinel 3:03 a.m. ET Feb. 26, 2017

Letters to the Editor(Photo: Getty Images/iStockphoto)

The Obamacare repeal timeline is slipping away. Our representatives need to act. All Americans enrolled in the Affordable Care Act and those inother plans need to press our members of Congressto vote to repeal this act now.

We have all heard or personally experienced the horrors, lies and high costs that accompany this plan.

Democrats are stalling and will continue to create issues that cause Republicans to delay repeal,partly to support President Barack Obama's legacy.

With Republicans in charge of the House, Senate and White House, we must make it happen now, along with an effective cancellation date of at least two years. Then immediately form a replacement task force to put together the best parts of a replacement,drawing from the many attractive replacement bills submitted by members of Congress, some of whom were doctors. like Tom Price, newly confirmed Secretary of Health and Human Services.

It is very important that in your contacts with your members of Congress, including U.S. Sens. Lamar Alexander and Bob Corker, verbally and in writing stress that the bill must fully repeal Obamacareinstead of saying it must fully support repealing Obamacare. The latter wording leaves room for delay fostered by Democrats to creep in.

We need to help the president break the logjam holding up the ACA's repeal and as constituents continually press our representatives to act. Once this is accomplished, it will act as a very strong incentive to put together a suitable replacement.

The Washington phone numbers are 202-224-4944 for Alexander and 202-224-3344 for Corder.Your House of Representative member's phone number can be found at house.gov,page 19,.

We should all be delighted that we finally have the opportunity to repeal this horrible piece of legislation and help make America great again.

Michael Colicchio, Dandridge

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Letter: Republicans must repeal Obamacare soon - Knoxville News Sentinel

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