Letter: Republicans, prove your patriotism – Northwest Herald

To the Editor:

What happens when a public servant swears to, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States, but has little concept of what that means?

Unfortunately, we are faced with that predicament now. I am not merely talking about the president. I also am referring to those members of Congress, like our Congressman Randy Hultgren and his Republican brethren who support him. Thomas Jefferson addressed this when he said, All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent. The silence from Randy is deafening.

When a president expects loyalty from a public servant, as our current president did from James Comey, he completely undermines the intent of his oath. The Founding Fathers, in their ultimate wisdom, intended that citizens be subservient to the Constitution. This is where the country being run as a business rather than a Republic diverge. Our Constitution was written in response to being ruled by a King who had ultimate authority and demanded loyalty from his servants. The framers wanted no part of that system. Thats why they brilliantly devised the separation of powers, assuming one would be a check on the other. I am wondering when Republicans in Congress will actually read the oath they took and act on it.

Now is the time to prove their patriotism to our country and not their party. We need an independent investigation now.

Kathleen Bogolia


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Letter: Republicans, prove your patriotism - Northwest Herald

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