Letter to the Editor: Republicans lead on pro-growth green energy – pressherald.com

Ive spent decades in construction and public planning, but it doesnt take my experience to understand that the United States infrastructure needs updating. Today, our antiquated infrastructure approach is a national blight and will cost average Americans their hard-earned dollars and missed opportunities. According to the American Society for Civil Engineers research, the cost of not updating the U.S. infrastructure over the next 20 years will set the average household back $3,300 annually. However, our next infrastructure package must recognize the ongoing shift by private market toward clean energy.

While President Biden unveiled the first part of his infrastructure plan, launching negotiations in Washington, D.C., the importance of clean energy in Americas infrastructure such as cost-effective construction solutions and changing the way we generate and distribute energy is a priority for both Republicans and Democrats. In fact, Republicans are time and again leading on pro-growth, clean energy solutions, including our own Sen. Susan Collins. Especially here in Maine, the clean energy sector has helped support industry innovations in construction, forestry, shipping and beyond while bringing in state and federal funding.

However, we need a pathway forward that invests in next-generation innovations and technologies so that our nation can grow as a global energy leader. I look forward to seeing what all Sen. Collins and our other leaders from Maine will do to advocate for and support a bipartisan infrastructure package.

Rep. Thomas H.Martin, Jr.R-GreeneMaine House

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Letter to the Editor: Republicans lead on pro-growth green energy - pressherald.com

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