Letter to the editor: Republicans need saving – TribLIVE

Given recent history, Pennsylvania Republicans should make their official motto Save Us From Ourselves.

First, 14 Republican lawmakers joined a lawsuit asking the states Supreme Court to rule that mail-in-balloting is unconstitutional. Republicans trying to limit access to the ballot wouldnt be shocking, as voter repression seems to be part of the partys core values, if it werent for the fact that 11 of the 14 Republicans that joined the lawsuit voted for the very law theyre trying to overturn, in 2018.

Now, Republicans are aiming to cut the states gas tax by one-third to fight back against record high petroleum prices, by using emergency covid funds to fill the gap in the states budget. I applaud cheaper prices at the pump, especially when it comes at the sacrifice of the countrys highest state-imposed gas tax, but Id be remiss in not pondering why Republicans didnt have this concern when they, under GOP-controlled legislative and executive branches, passed the tax hike in 2013.

If youre forced to drive to your local polling place in May, in order to cast your ballot, remember to send your gas receipts to the states GOP headquarters.

Richard Aldo Monti


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Letter to the editor: Republicans need saving - TribLIVE

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