Letter: Which Lincoln do Republicans want to be in the future? – STLtoday.com

In a Sept. 8 letter, Trump dishonestly claims GOP is still Lincolns party, the writer correctly points out that during the debates with Stephen Douglas in 1858, Lincoln clearly stated that he thought Black people were inferior to white people. Nevertheless, Lincoln always believed that they should not be enslaved, and he was against the expansion of slavery and wished that it would eventually be abolished.

Then came the Civil War and Lincolns views toward Black people gradually grew more liberal. During the war there was another man by the name of Douglass who Lincoln came to know. The mans first name was Frederick and he was one of the leading abolitionists in the country. In 1865, the president met with Douglass and told him that there is no man in the country whose opinion I value more than yours.

Now the question becomes: Which man should the modern-day Republicans claim as their own? Should it be the Lincoln of 1858, or should it be the Lincoln of 1865? Even better, perhaps Republicans should claim that they are the party of Frederick Douglass. After all, Douglass, like Lincoln, was a Republican.

Neil Schechter St. Louis County

Here is the original post:
Letter: Which Lincoln do Republicans want to be in the future? - STLtoday.com

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