List of senior Republicans against zero tolerance policy …

The former White House communications director warned that Trump was "going to get hurt by this issue if it stays out there," and he called for a "humane approach" to migrants arriving at the border.

"There's culpability on all sides here," Scaramucci told Fox News on Saturday. "My recommendation is you should be immediately fixing this problem. I think that this is a fuse that's been lit, and it's now burning into a big, big gunpowder pool, if you will. So you don't want all that dynamite going off.

"The president is going to get hurt by this issue if it stays out there very very long. Unfortunately, because he's the commander in chief, he's at the top of the food chain of the government. Even if it's the Democrats' fault, he's going to get tarred with it.

"My recommendation: Let's fix this immediately, because what we have to stand for in our society is our American values. When they're saying from the White House, 'Oh, well, don't break the law; if you don't break the law, then we won't have to separate you,' that's sort of incongruent with American values.

"I recognize that people should not break the law, but there's a lot of desperate people that want to enter this country, and we have to take a humane approach to those people."

Watch Scaramucci's full response around the 5:17 mark in the video below:

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List of senior Republicans against zero tolerance policy ...

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